This photo of ice was taken on a quiet morning after an event of lunar celebrations and other indie, crafty-like experiences called “Dreamtide” in Ashville, NC. We met up with traveling puppeteers and acrobats who flew Red1 and Red2 into the air with their feet and taught them how to soar with aerial silks. The girls love making functional items that they can trade with. Red2 walked around I.C.E. (see below) and traded out quite a bit of loot with the other vendors. The vendors prefer actual money, but Mrs. SF Daddy had some really cute “Sneaters” to trade that year.
I love this video showing us, I.C.E. There’s a lot of plaid in it, but don’t hold that against us.
I-C-E, the Indie Craft Experience, based in Atlanta is a lot of things. Our friend Shannon is part of the team that created and curates this experience for us the crafty consumer AND us as the crafty creators. I couldn’t explain it better than they do, so here’s a quote from their own site:
With a vision to provide indie crafters an opportunity to sell and promote their creations in Atlanta, ICE quickly caught on as a favorite event for participants and attendees alike. ICE is a grass-roots effort, organized by two Atlanta crafters – Christy Petterson of a bardis and Shannon Mulkey of Patina. Inspired by indie craft markets in Chicago and Austin, the Indie Craft Experience was founded in order to provide Atlanta with a major indie craft event.
This is a long video, but at the ICE site, there’s a long list of events they do all year round. I have quite a few friends who needed ICE to “pop-up” for them. I hope my crafty-pals finally take the hint and leap in, sign up, and get a table to sell their neat items.
Mrs. SF Daddy is totally a maker. She’s a frequent to sporadic participant of I.C.E.
Lot’s of links today, but, hey, you wanted to know all this stuff, right?
What do you do with your glue devices?