The Official Star Wars Blog » Romancing the Droid: Why I Married R2-D2

The Official Star Wars Blog » Romancing the Droid: Why I Married R2-D2: “Artoo gave me a lovely ring, and I gave him a shiny, new restraining bolt to signify our love. Even though Elvis Trooper tried to stop the wedding by yelling “It’s a trap!” our Best Man Darth Vader Force-choked him into submission.”

Tatooine has two suns, as it is in a binary st...Image via Wikipedia

Dump MacGuyver for an astromech, she’s so smart. R2 wins props for getting the girl. Go for the schematic to see just what’s so impressive about this little guy. Maybe it’s number 46: Hi Power Recharge coupling. Poor Luke, never got a girl… at least in the movies.

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